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Topic:Voyager Golden Record: 40th (Ozma Records)
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cspgWhat is a digital download card? I don't have a record player or vinyls!
Robert PearlmanThe card is a memento, but the code on it will enable you to download the tracks from a website.
Robert PearlmanThe Voyager Golden Record is now funded. It has surpassed the $198,000 goal.
RobertBIt's surprising what gets people going.

I jumped on the textual Apollo kickstarter but this audio oriented Kickstarter is much less interesting to me.

Robert PearlmanIf you missed the Kickstarter, the vinyl and CD box sets are now available for direct pre-order (delivery pre-Christmas 2017).
RonpurI received mine yesterday, 40 years after Voyager 1 launched. I downloaded the tracks and listened to them. It is quite a variety of sounds and music. It was a nice distraction from the fear over Irma. I am very happy with this project.
jutrasedIs anyone aware of the 1992 CD-ROM "Murmurs of Earth" Commemorative Edition from Warner New Media? It was a boxed set of two CD-ROMs, the 1978 companion paperback book by Carl Sagan, and a booklet of Voyager photos. The CDs have an image similar to the actual record.

I had found it on eBay back in 2008. It can still be found on eBay for $495 to $2500. I had paid around $50.

WehaveliftoffThose prices are sure to drop now with the new release.
JonnyedI read a funny story about NASA's Golden Record when reading John Eliot Gardiner's biography of J.S. Bach.

When Carl Sagan was chairing the committee of distinguished scientists and thinkers assembled by NASA to determine which sounds and information should be included on the Golden Record, the topic of music came up. The group felt that if an alien species came across the record and could listen to it, they should hear some of Earth's music.

One of the scientists on the committee — I can't remember specifically, I think it was one of the biologists in the group — said, "Hey, we should include the complete works of J.S. Bach." And then he thought a little bit and said, "No wait. That would be bragging."

sch61The biologist who proposed sending out the music of J.S. Bach was Lewis Thomas. In his book, "The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher" he suggests, as means of potential communication with an alien species:
Perhaps the safest thing to do at the outset, if technology permits, is to send music. This language may be the best we have for explaining what we are like to others in space, with least ambiguity. I would vote for Bach, all of Bach, streamed out into space, over and over again. We would be bragging of course, but it is surely excusable to put the best possible face on at the beginning of such an acquaintance. We can tell the harder truths later.
JonnyedGreat quote. Many thanks for the additional info.
WehaveliftoffIsn't there still a "Gold Record" status if a record sells over 500,000 copies? know it used to be a million back when. Imagine if that happened.
Larry McGlynnI finally had the time to review the Voyager Golden Record 40th Anniversary Edition set. The producers did an excellent job of recapturing the wonder of "this message to the Universe."

The entire project is well crafted. The box, the gold records and the companion book are well thought out and constructed. The records were wonderful, but they realized that many of us no longer own a turntable and included the ability to download the music and messages.

The best Kickstarter campaign that I have invested in so far.

Robert PearlmanThe Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition has won the Grammy for Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package. (Photo: kellynoellesparks)

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